
For your convenience, here are links to popular free webmail providers you might have an account with.  For a premium full-featured Gmail hosted @67301.net, plus other benefits, please, join us!

How to Make an Email Account:

No matter which provider you choose, creating an email is a simple process. But, it’s still important to know best practices so you can have one that fits your needs the best. The purpose of an email is to provide a space for you to have easy, secure communications and establish an online identity. Follow the steps below to create an email:

1. Choose An Email Provider

Select an email provider based on your needs as a user. Think about which features, such as top-tier security, email scheduling capabilities, or integrations, are the most important to you. Also, consider how much storage you will need and what type of provider works best.

2. Choose a Username

Select a username based on the purpose of the account. If it is a personal account, then your name with a significant number will do. The name of your business will do if it’s a business account. You might also consider your name@businessname.com or name@67301.net for professional accounts.

3. Create a Password

Email providers generally have minimum requirements for how secure your password must be. These often include a number or a special character. Follow these guidelines and choose a password that is very unique and has a variety of letters, numbers, and characters to make it very secure.  Remembering passwords is hard; if you're not already using a password hasher or password manager, we recommend Lastpass (which also provides (next heading):)

4. Two Factor Authentication

Many email providers include ways to add extra security to your account. Take advantage of these features to keep your account and data safe. Setting up two-factor authentication is a great place to start.

5. Write a Signature

Set up an email signature for your account. This saves a lot of time as you are writing emails and helps keep your closing consistent. Include information like your name, your title, and your contact information.